Do you REALLY need a website or is Social Media enough?
A lot of people think that having a social media presence is all they need these days in order to reach their clientele and in some cases they are correct.
Businesses like influencers or product reviewers depend on these platforms to get both their audience and their customers so they don’t typically need a website but you might!
If you have a company that sells a product or offers a service then you are going to NEED a distraction-free space to introduce yourself properly to your potential customers. Someplace that you have complete control over and can rely on to be there for your clients when you are not…
Why blend in when you can STAND OUT! Get a custom logo and brand your business today!
A custom logo is more than just blending the perfect font with the perfect graphic. It’s about creating a look that describes who you are and what you offer. It’s not just the face of your company it’s also your personality. It can be fun or funky, classy or crass but most importantly it needs to be YOU!
I know that budgets are tight these days but a custom logo is a great investment for your company and it doesn’t have to break the bank.
If you have budget restraints that keep you from getting something completely custom then we could cut some corners and use a stock graphic that can be altered enough to make it uniquely yours. While this is not the best option it is better than using an online logo generator that pretty much guarantees that you will be sharing your logo with hundreds of other companies online.
Not everything is online these days! Printed marketing materials are still a great way to get a memorable piece of your company into the hands of a prospective customer. Even though a lot of people live for their inboxes there are still a lot of people who enjoy a bit of snail mail from time to time. Brochures, rack cards, and postcards are a great way to advertise via the US postal system. Business cards are a great way to give someone your information when you are face to face. Granted you could just say “You can find me on idesigntheweb.com” but if their memory is anything like mine by the time they get home they will say “what was that website address again?”. If you gave them a business card they could just reach into their pocket or purse and walla! There is your info forever printed on paper!